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About Us

Matthew 28 Ministries, Inc., founded in June 2006, is a nonprofit organization devoted to ministries in Kenya. Our vision is to see every woman and man in Africa trained as a disciple-maker for Christ.

Our Vision

Our mission is to develop and train Christian leaders in Africa through theological and biblical education and leadership skills, to empower women with Income Generating Activities, and to teach Maasai women how to read and write. Through these ministry missions, we aim to raise up global leaders, transform communities, and spread the gospel to advance the Kingdom of God.


Our Goal

Is to better equip women leadership with theological education and with the practical training that will enable them to be more effective in ministry. Our aim is also to train men so that they may learn to serve God side by side with women with fairness in treatment and equality in opportunities for ministry services. This philosophy is based on the Scripture that God created man and woman in His image and gave them a joint command to have dominion over His creation. In addition, Scripture shows that Jesus Christ treated women fairly and with dignity; He taught them, let them follow Him and serve Him, and gave them opportunities to serve others. Thus, we seek to train not only women but also men in their understanding so they can fully partner with women to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission.



  • God is Creator, Three-in-One: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
  • God created man and women in the divine image, but because of their sin, they alienated themselves from their creator, one another, and the rest of creation.
  • Jesus Christ is fully divine and fully human. As the son of God, his death and resurrection restored and reconciled humanity to God.
  • Salvation is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible is the Word of God and has the final authority in human lives.
  • God’s character is a mandate for humankind to uphold the dignity of and justice for all people.
  • Each person created in the image of God, the partnership and equality of man and woman reflects unity in the godhead.
  • The church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is an instrument for expanding God’s reign in the world.
  • Jesus Christ will return in full glory. When He returns, He will perfect all that He has begun.

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